Markdown post processing
If you want to change how a Markdown document is rendered in the Reading view, you can add your own Markdown post processor. As indicated by the name, the post processor runs after the Markdown has been processed into HTML. It lets you add, remove, or replace HTML elements to the rendered document.
The following example looks for any code block that contains a text between two colons, :
, and replaces it with an appropriate emoji:
import { Plugin } from "obsidian";
import { Emoji } from "./emoji";
export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
async onload() {
this.registerMarkdownPostProcessor((element, context) => {
const codeblocks = element.querySelectorAll("code");
for (let index = 0; index < codeblocks.length; index++) {
const codeblock = codeblocks.item(index);
const text = codeblock.innerText.trim();
const isEmoji = text[0] === ":" && text[text.length - 1] === ":";
if (isEmoji) {
context.addChild(new Emoji(codeblock, text));
The Emoji
class extends MarkdownRenderChild
, and replaces the code block with a span
element with the emoji:
import { MarkdownRenderChild } from "obsidian";
export class Emoji extends MarkdownRenderChild {
static ALL_EMOJIS: Record<string, string> = {
":+1:": "👍",
":sunglasses:": "😎",
":smile:": "😄",
text: string;
constructor(containerEl: HTMLElement, text: string) {
this.text = text;
onload() {
const emojiEl = this.containerEl.createSpan({
text: Emoji.ALL_EMOJIS[this.text] ?? this.text,
Post-process Markdown code blocks
Did you know that you can create Mermaid diagrams in Obsidian by creating a mermaid
code block with a text definition like this one?:
flowchart LR
Start --> Stop
If you change to Preview mode, the text in the code block becomes the following diagram:
If you want to add your own custom code blocks like the Mermaid one, you can use registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor
. The following example renders a code block with CSV data, as a table:
import { Plugin } from "obsidian";
export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
async onload() {
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor("csv", (source, el, ctx) => {
const rows = source.split("\n").filter((row) => row.length > 0);
const table = el.createEl("table");
const body = table.createEl("tbody");
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const cols = rows[i].split(",");
const row = body.createEl("tr");
for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
row.createEl("td", { text: cols[j] });