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Many of the interfaces in the Obsidian lets you subscribe to events throughout the application, for example when the user makes changes to a file.

Any registered event handlers need to be detached whenever the plugin unloads. The safest way to make sure this happens is to use the registerEvent() method.

import { Plugin } from "obsidian";

export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
async onload() {
this.registerEvent('create', () => {
console.log('a new file has entered the arena')

Timing events

If you want to repeatedly call a function with a fixed delay, use the window.setInterval() function with the registerInterval() method.

The following example displays the current time in the status bar, updated every second:

import { moment, Plugin } from "obsidian";

export default class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
statusBar: HTMLElement;

async onload() {
this.statusBar = this.addStatusBarItem();


// highlight-start
window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatusBar(), 1000)
// highlight-end

updateStatusBar() {

Moment is a popular JavaScript library for working with dates and time. Obsidian uses Moment internally, so you don't need to install it yourself. You can import it from the Obsidian API instead:

import { moment } from "obsidian";